------ Tony wrote --------

If you meant, "how do I carry the player with me when I'm out drinking with my friends", I just do. It's got a carrying case. Once in a while, I might go to a place where I wouldn't want to carry the player with me. In that case, the player gets left at home. But those situations are very rare.


Woua...Tony...when I saw your comment I stayed with my mouth opened for about 10 sec (no kidding)...That's exactly, with all respect to you, the kind of situation I don't want to end at.

I'll explain, I'm from Spain, I lived 8 years in Germany and now I live in Ireland. I rembered there was a time in Spain where everybody took the autoradios with them in the Disco or in the bar and home (about 15 to 10 years ago, I don't know now). As I moved to Germany, I did the same thing (I took my autoradio with me home) but then I noticed that no one did that there and I stop doing it. Now I live in Ireland (Limerick) where autos are stolen everyday. So no empeg in the car.

Well, Empeg is not a autoradio and it's an EOL product, so if it's gone it may be gone forever and your precence in this BBS may get to a no sense situation. So we all guys are together here because we loved our Empegs. Wenn I ordered my Empeg at the beginning I wanted to buy two, but then I decided to buy only one (big mistake?). I must be sincere, I could not leave my Empeg in the car even for a few hours as I don't want to take my Empeg always with me, I took the decision to enjoy my Empeg at home and forget about it on the car until I move to a more car-save-stealth country or town.

What did I do? as I have an iBook I bought a 10 GB iPod and connect it to the Aux-in of my Blaupunkt Modena CD51with a cable adapter www.bluespot.co.uk for around 10 EUR. What can I say, the iPod is as small as a packet of cigarets. It's super easy to control, super light, iTunes3 is a marvellous program (in features is years light ahead from emplode). It's got a firewire connection, so I can download hundred of new songs in a matter of minutes and create playlists in seconds with the Smart Playlist feature in iTunes3 which creates dinamic Playlists (that's reaaaaaly cool stuff), those are things you can only dream of in the empeg. And it doesn't matter were I go, or it stays in a safe corner within the car where noone could find it, or I take it with me in the pocket :-), how does it sound in the car? for me sounds very good, no complaints. All in all i find the iPod to be much more dinamic and versatile to use as the empeg, it's easier and faster to change the playlists and add or erase songs. IMHO I find it is bit of no sense situation to have the empeg in the globe box and using it with a remote control, the real nice thing from the empeg in the car is it's marvellous display, if you hide it...well much of the it's magic it's gone!, and to make the extra work of carring the empeg everywhere it's not for me. Yes if they take my Blaupunkt I can by another one, if the take my ipod, well same thing.

But everybody have different ways of doing things, what for me it's ok, it's not ok for others and viceversa....


Thanks / Gracias Mario The Spanish guy living in Ireland Homepage: www.livemyadventure.com