All I have to say is WOW just after vacuuming one room. The carpet looks brighter like it was steamed cleaned instead of just vacuumed. I'm really impressed with the Dyson

And how much dirt/cat hair did the holding tanks end up with?

What was the ratio of cat hair to regular dirt - about 60-70% by volume is cat hair?

Bet you got as much gunk out of your carpets in one vacuum with the Dyson - that probably would have been about 2 or more regular "bags" full with the old vacuum right?

It'll keep doing that for about the 3 or so vacuums, then the dirt level should drop.

And as I said before, this product is the empeg of Vacuum cleaners - you really have to use it to "Get it".

Also, don't forget to try it on your furniture - it should do to that what it does to the carpets [unless I guess, if you have leather or vinyl furniture].

One other point - did your animals mind the Dysons noise as much as the old one?

Our animals used to hate the old vacuum so much that even the clank of the metal wand as you got the thing out of the storage cupboard would have them all racing outside until you'd finished.

With the Dyson, they'll stay put in the house and don't mind it until it gets real close to them, and then they'll merely move to another part of the house.

Proving, that cats know good design when they hear it!