The best tasting bars that I've tried are EAS' Myoplex (they have a number of categories and then multiple flavours in each), Labrada (Texas Pecan Pie is good), Promax (Mmmm...) and Balance (standard and Gold - they're smaller therefore less calories per bar)

Keep in Mind Tony, the "carb" count in the better bars is not strictly made up of what you'd traditionally call a carb, nor are they usually made up of sugar or starch.

You can also try shakes, but you will likely find they're higher in calories than many of the bars. The all-out winner for taste is the Myoplex brand from EAS. Nothing else comes close. Of course then you've also got aspertame with this stuff and a bit of starch with the EAS shakes (to make them thicker).

With any of these things, make sure you've got a regular exercise routine. Protein shakes WILL pack on the pounds if you're not working out. As will anything really. And they're not meal supplements! They're a small meal replacement. Of course if you're going to have multiple of these things per day, including bars, you should also be having smaller meals.

Read "Body for Life" sometime. It's a quick read. Ignore the pictures. It's worked very well for a number of people here at work. The most important keys are a protein balanced diet and regular exercise (with a good focus on resistance training - ie. weights). You don't have to have any shakes or bars or buy anything from EAS. Any of that stuff, of any brand, is merely a convenience item.

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