Some of my fav protein sources...

1. Nonfat cottage cheese (add a little yogurt or fruit if you can't handle the taste)
2. Tuna sandwich w/mustard
3. Light Yogurt (not non-fat which is 80% carbs, but light which tends to be about equal carb to protein)
4. MetRx Protein Plus bars. Some of these taste like dirt, but some aren't bad. I like the chocolate fudge. IIRC these are about 35/20/10 grams protein/carbs/fat.
5. Powerbar protein bar. I don't remember the exact name, but they have about 20grams of protein and zero carbs (they use sugar alcohol). There is a nut-fudge that tastes like a real candy bar. They run about a buck a piece. Might want to check the fat content on these, I don't remember how bad they are.

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