That reminds me of the way I do things. I eat when I'm hungry. If I'm not hungry at lunch, I skip it. If I ate at noon, and I'm hungry again at 3:00, I eat again. I kinda figure the body takes care of itself and lets you know when it needs nourishment. There was a study that dogs that were fed 3 times a day, and only 3 times a day, had a propensity towards obesity, as opposed to dogs that had food out all the time. I've never had a "feeding time" for any of my dogs, and I've never had an overweight dog.

All that being said, I consume on average ~3000 calories a day, which is high, until you realize that I'm 5'10", 28, and 140 lbs. When I was in college, I was consuming closer to 7000 calories a day. But I was running, mountain biking, mountain climbing, swimming, diving, playing raquetball, tennis, and soccer. So I guess I just used it all.

Tony... A friend of mine lost ~150 pounds about 5 years ago by eating a lot of tuna fish. I mean a LOT of tuna. He has kept it off ever since by simply jogging a couple of miles a couple times a week. He also says that plain yellow mustard will cut down (or cover up) the taste of tuna somewhat. He got to a point where he'd open the can, add a little mustard, mix, and eat right out of the can. Not for me, but hey.... I got lucky genetically so it isn't an issue.