How about YAELV?? (yet another Empeg lyrics viewer)

I know you're joking, but I always hated those "yet another" names. The first guy who ever called something "yet another ------" probably deserves some credit, but now it's a pretty tired schtick.

Besides, this isn't really "yet another" lyrics viewer. I consider this program the continuation of Patrick's version, and borrowed heavily from some of his ideas (though I'd like to think I've improved on it some.) But until it's released, all this is moot. I just wanted a better name, and emphatic has a pretty nice ring to it.

Incidentally Patrick mentioned he was going to give a WinAMP and/or XMMS plugin a try for aiding in the association of timestamps to untimed lyrics. That's probably a better arrangement, because I have more C experience, and he's probably got more GUI experience than I do.

Edit: Yes, I am, in fact going to bold-face emphatic every time I type it from now on. Look what you guys have done.

Edited by yn0t_ (03/02/2003 22:45)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff