Have you tried the Tivo remote?

Not yet. Used replays can be picked up far cheapter than used tivos. Everyone knows what a tivo is, so they go for their true value. So far I've picked up two Replays for $150 or less, both of the lifetime subscription generation. If I ever find a Tivo in that price range, I'll buy it and tell you how I like the remote.

I think the real thing is that once you have a Tivo/Replay, it starts dictating how you watch TV, and you don't need anything else, except a DVD remote. My new TV has picture-in-picture, and I havn't even been bothered to pick up a splitter kit so I can use it as there isn't any point.

I don't think anyone's solved the universal remote problem yet. What we need is a company that has a few basic remotes with buttons you can replace with ones that say something else. It should also be fully configurable/learning and do macros. Don't get my started on discrete codes and A/V manufacturers...