Control is already handled by a remote or through the sony stalk.
Some (probably adequate) control.. the stalk doesn't provide full functional replication of the fascia controls. I don't think I'm conveying just how cool this joystick is

I find it far easier to use than the 4 separate buttons on the Empeg and knob way over on the other side of the car, and I actually use the knob actions now because they're right there for menu navigation instead of reaching up in the air for other controls. If I ever put my Empeg back in the dash I'd still keep the knob.
Video. The fastest interface on the empeg is the ethernet interface. So, we're in need of an ethernet to composite video adapter.
Good luck with that (really), it's definitely an interesting idea but I don't see that being very practical. Speed on the serial connection is only a problem because I've made it one for myself by picking a big high-res display that's annoyingly low speed. There's a 140x32 module (7000-series) about the same size as the Empeg's that runs at 115.2kbps... 115200/(140*32) = ~25fps with the simplest (and least efficient) drawing method you could think of, "10: blast the entire 140x32px bitmap out to the display; 20: goto 10;". I picked a 256x64 that runs at 38.4.. 4x the pixels, 1/3rd the speed, 38400/(256*64) = ~2fps.