you arrogant little fuck.
The Bill of Rights was intended for the people of the USA, not for some dirty ragheads trying to blow us up. I say fine, they want out of prison, we should put a bullet between their eyes and dump them in the sea.

how is this different to being a terrorist? What you're really saying is that USA has the right to walk into any country, take people prisoner, keep them in a place that isn't legally touchable and kill them when the interrogation is done. How is that not bully tactics.
And before you roll out the 'but they had WMDs targeted at us' arguement, where are the WMD's this whole war was suposed to be over? THAT'S the key issue that is coming out now, and is why Bush is losing popularity.
They're lucky we have the good will to let them live. I sure as hell know those jihad bastards wouldn't be taking any prisoners. It's absurd to be fighting these people to the death one minute, and then the next start worrying about whether or not their "living conditions" are good enough. Why don't we send the fuckers to paradise and be done with it.

Let's put this in perspective. You're sitting at home, Watching TV. Next thing the 'police' bust in and put you in a cell. You are not allowed a lawyer and don't see or talk to anyone for three years.
Sound familar? This is actually what your 'patriot act' allows.
Where's your proof that the people that have been captured are part of the Taliban or al Quaeda (sp?)? Why do you believe the administration which now has the power to lock you up like the previous scenario.

hey hate America and want to see us crash and burn, and they want to see the Arabs completely wipe out the Jews. That is their real motive.

you damn right there. Coz the US administration keeps thinking might makes right. This is a region who has known war and conlict for centuries. They are so full of hate they are prepared to die for it. And the US admin goes and pokes them with a stick.
Name one time in history where beating the crap out of something made them more endeared to you and actually respect you.
We've got more bombs than they've got turbans, so they're [censored].

tell that to the families of the service men and women who've been killed since the 'war' is over. you think that holding more bombs is going to make this right?
I may not be politically correct, but you know I'm right.

you are neither. It's your line of thought which gives decent, thinking US folk a really, really bad name.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?