A group of people like... Iraq? With their Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Like I said before, I don't care if Iraq only had a plastic BB gun. Saddam was our enemy, our allys' enemy, and an enemy of the Iraqi people. Getting rid of him is one step closer to a peaceful world.

And I hope you aren't being sarcastic with the weapons of mass destruction line. Remember all those dead Kurds and their disfigured descendants? And yet, somehow Bush becomes the bad guy.

Well, I'm here to tell you, we have hundreds of millions of people and thousands of skyscrapers.

Yeah, but it's like someone hitting your Ferrari with a golfclub. The car will still work fine, and it's still the baddest car around, but you're gonna kill the son of a bitch that did this. And try telling that to the survivors of the WTC that 3000 of our people being murdered is no big deal. If you're wife or your kid is murdered, hell that's only ONE person out of hundreds of millions. No big deal, right? So let it go? Maybe that's missing the point you were trying to make, but this IS a big deal, and we have to seek justice.

Already we are seeing abuses of the Patriot Act along the same patterns that law officials utilize when they mis-use the RICO laws

I won't disagree that there are many bad laws on the books. But there is one law that is the most important. And that is the 2nd article of the Bill of Rights - the right to bear arms. Whoever has the guns has the power. No administration can enforce their laws on an angry mob of 100 million armed americans. That is why I will never vote for any politician who supports "gun control" in any shape or form (ie, 99% of most liberals), and I will never give up my guns should they ever be banned. I am for crime control, not disarmament. Once we become disarmed, we are utterly defenseless and powerless. So I'm not afraid of the day the FBI starts arresting innocent people and the CIA starts suppressing free speech, because the rest of us will rise up and kill every last fucking one of them.

Edited by d33zY (28/10/2003 22:58)