Do you believe that might makes right?

Wow, that rhymes, and it's catchy; perfect propaganda for millions of idiots. Do you believe that might makes wrong? I think justice is right. I think cowardice is wrong. I think Saddam was wrong, Bin Laden was wrong, and the millions of ragheads that want to wage war on the West are wrong.

That if your country attacks another, then that should teach them never to mess with you again?

That's the point. Avoiding conflict may temporarily prevent a little bloodshed, but if you don't stand up for what is right then you will pay for it in the end. Ask the Jews who never stood up to Hitler. Just because America is strong and a group of rag-tag (pun intended) terrorists are relatively weak, it doesn't automatically make them right. How can you not see that? Do you have no concept of right and wrong, or good and evil? Are you so scared that you wouldn't fight for your right to exist and live in peace? Should we just bow down to any aggressor and give them what they want?

Most girls have more balls then some of you.

Do you believe everything your leaders tell you?

Do you believe all the propaganda you hear?

Do you wish to kill and obliterate everyone who disagrees with you?

No, but i do wish to kill and obliterate (or at least stop) murderous terrorists who want to wipe out the western world. They want to exterminate anyone and everyone who is not just like them. Isn't that the definition of Fascism? (you should know that word - liberals like to use it a lot.)

Do you believe that every day, no matter whether it's sacred to you or your enemy, is a good day to attack?

Do you ask stupid questions?

And do you honestly think that you are right, and that everyone that disagrees with you is wrong, because of some divine mandate?

Obviously you think that you are right and that I am wrong.