This war was not about WMDs, lots of countries have WMDs.

Yeah, and long ago they all agreed that nobody else would get them.

This was not about getting rid of a dictator, there are plenty of dictators in the world.

That was one of the reasons. Should we invade every country that has a dictator? No, it's not feasible. That was just another strike against Iraq, as was the human rights issues. Let's be honest. No country is going to start a war over human rights, but since we're going in there anyway we might as well put an end to that too. The main reason was the growing threat Iraq posed to the US and our allies. Militarily, Saddam was no match. But his open support of terrorism, his refusal to prove that he's WMD-free, and his control over a vast amount of oil is a threat to the world. I don't care if we went into Iraq based on oil alone. Having a crazed dictator controlling the world's energy is not a good thing. We don't want that bastard to be holding the world by the balls in the future when he does have nukes. To say that Bush wants oil for himself is just ridiculous. The oil is staying in the hands of Iraq, but now it'll be controlled by sensible, elected leaders that hopefully aren't hell-bent on destroying the infidels or conquering the middle east.