another is the desire and the need to worship something.
I have no desire or need to worship anything. Does that make me less than human?
do you regard yourself as a good person? if so, have you ever told a lie? have you ever stolen something? have you ever had impure thoughts about someone else? well, if so, then a holy and righteous being will regard you the same as the vilest of people. everyone has sinned, and everyone is at the same level in His eyes.
I'm aware of this Christian concept, and it's retarded when applied to humanity. It has come to the point so that no one ever has to make a value judgement. I have the facility and desire to note that killing thousands of people is worse than stealing bread to feed my family. The Bible also notes ``judge not lest ye be judged''. It's all fine and well for God to forgive everyone, but it doesn't make sense for us real people.
i think it takes more faith ...
This is one of the most egregiously erroneous arguments that creationists make. It, in fact, takes no faith, as it's staring you in the face. Do you take it on faith that you're looking at a computer right now? Of course not. It's obviously there. The things we can't prove are just theories. They could well be wrong.
Bitt Faulk