I, too have a Canon D10, and my buying factor was the reviews I read on it, and the fact I have a Canon SLR (non-digital) body.
Simple. Buy one lense, works on both bodies. Get a shot set-up with digital camera, play with settings, make few test-shots, and some keepers. Then, pop lens over to film body, and take a few keepers.

Had mine a year now, and I can say that it's held up to some tough handling, and taken some very nice shots.
The *ONLY* downside that I have noticed is the picture area. The active size of the module increases your zoom some percentage (small, but noticable.).. This makes wide-angle lenses not-so. Depending on your lenses, it may be noticable..

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper