Thank you for both observations. When you first ran EMSC, did you see a flying list of all your playlists in the middle of the screeen, and a count-up of all your tunes in the title bar? This is a process that takes 2 or 3 minutes with my 5,000 songs. Also, you can check the size of the file named "Empeg.your.ip.address.PlayerDB" in the directory where you installed EMSC. If it is zero length, then EMSC is not being able to recreate your playlists from the content of the FIDS in /drive0/fids and /drive1/fids.

Based on what you are describing, all of the above is happening. The reason all the letters in the search are dimmed is because there are no character choices available that would refine your search further, since EMSC doesnt know about any of your songs. There is probably a single match in the search window that reads "all 0 songs in 0 matches" when you start out.

I don't know what is. EMSC expects your FIDS to be either in /drive0/fids/ or /drive1/fids. I believe that if you use the new organization of fids with more subdirectories, HIJACK will take care of things and make applications think that they are available from one of those two locations.

One more thing, when you are in the main menu, does the "up" key allow you to navigate up in the menus? Cause the Pause UnPause not working is probably just that EMSC doesnt know about any of your songs.

Don't give up on this. Well make it work.