I understand but disagree. To me, if you needed reference, don't delete the old email. This way, people just keep adding new stuff and new stuff to an email until you get to the point where you're transmitting 100kB to say "Yes".

Fair enough. In all honesty, this was more important to me when I was still working in IT. I was at Comcast, and we had very strict email removal rules (ie. no storing it, servers deleted mail very quickly, etc). Can't subpeona what isn't there.

Which brings me to the notion of people writing emails in Word and sending the Word doc as an attachment in order to say yes.

Agreed, very VERY annoying. I used to just delete those messages and tell people I didn't get it.

That seems less prevalent now than a few years back; I guess MS must have fixed Outlook, since you can still use Word as your email message editor, though why you'd want to do that I have no idea.

I believe (and could easily be wrong) that if you "use Word as your message editor" in the most current version (and maybe other recent versions) of Outlook, it simply uses the Word engine. I've seen winword.exe in peoples process listing even when they only have Outlook open.