I stopped in Radio Shack today and found a 2 conductor Omnidirectional Condenser microphone for $1 less than the other one. Model number 270-090 (no docs on radioshack.com) The frequency response looks the same. From its wiring diagram it looks to do just like what we were saying before combining the power and output leads. It puts both power and output on the same lead, but wants a resistor later when it is split up(this would be inside the empeg?)
Differences from Tony's include:
Supply Voltage: 1.0 to 10VDC
Current Drain: 0.3mA (max)
Signal/noise: 60dB(min)
Sensitivity: -64 + or - 2dB

And now for the crappy pics! Sorry, no camera with macro capability.

Next to wiring diagram it says "Optional coupling capacitor (1-10 ufd)" and between the wires it says: "Resistor required (up to 1k)"

227405-mic.jpg (367 downloads)


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