To my mind, the people who are buying those get them because they think everyone who doesn't is unpatriotic.
Probably not, actually. They are probably just trying to show support in a small way because they know there are people out there putting their lives on the line. Yes it's easy to get cynical about this kind of stuff, but in the end I think you end up creating more problems by assuming people are saying more than they actually are.

Note: I realize upon a second reading that I'm not sure whether you meant people are buying them because they feel if they don't then they are being unpatriotic, or that those who buy them view non-participants as unpatriotic. I assumed you meant the latter, but if I am in error, forgive me.

To the general cynics:
I've seen plenty of "Pro-Bush" stickers, as well as plenty of "Pro-Kerry" stickers, some of which (in both camps) accuse supporters of the other sides of being all sorts of things. But if someone chooses a "we support our troops" ribbon and nothing else, I'd give them the benifit of the doubt that that's all they're trying to say.

Me, I agree that I can "support our troops" without a sticker, but since my wife bought one and stuck it on my car, I don't feel any compelling reason to remove it. It seems like a positive message to me, and that's all it means on my vehicle.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.