I'm sure there are many people against the war who support our troops
See, that statement also implies that there are alot of people who are against the war and against our troops.
Um, I didn't mean for it to imply that. I meant to imply that there are people who support the war and support our troops, and that there are people who are against the war and support our troops. The sticker makes a positive statement for each.

It's like having an "I Love Christmas" bumper sticker. Sure there are probably people out there who hate Christmas, but in general most people think pretty positively of the holiday. In that case the person with the sticker is simply affirming a positive, not trying to separate him or herself from dissenters. Perhaps I'm naive about people, but I prefer to just take the magnets at their words. It seems people with something stronger to say about politics have no trouble adding those stickers to their cars as well.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.