please, keep in mind that you are able to support or not support as you wish because of the troops that are following and have followed 'unconstructive orders'

I think that the last time that troops following their orders, constructive or not, had anything to do with freedom of your country (as you imply) was during WWII.

That said, I blame Bush, Rumsfeld, Pentagon types giving orders for 'aggressive interrogation', even those morons (now scapegoats) from Abu Ghaib who followed them all too enthusiastically, but I certainly cannot blame an average GI John/Jane for risking their life in an unnecessary, wrong war.

I sometimes try to imagine myself in the shoes of Enola Gay commander, a pilot raining napalm or defoliant on rice paddies (and villages), a squad leader in Faluja, a terrified soldier manning a checkpoint looking at a suspicious car closing in. What would I do? Not very differently from what they did, I am affraid and ashamed to admit. But I think I would have considered myself a victim afterwards, not a hero.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue