I just got my Empeg (Amber, 12GB) this morning. I'd love to start filling it up with tunes, but I've got Apple Macs and I don't know where to start.Before I ordered, I checked with Empeg and they said there was a Java version which I could use. I've found it online, but I've no idea how to install it or get it working on my mac (OS 9.1).I really don't want to have to buy Virtual PC just to load my Empeg.I know exactly where you're coming from. While I'd say that Virtual PC is (and has been ever since Connectix added USB to it) the easiest way to sync on a Mac, it's possible to use JEmplode on a Mac. You already have a Java VM (Mac OS Runtime for Java), which came with Mac OS 9.1. Unfortunately, getting JEmplode working with this VM isn't trivial. Here's how you get JEmplode running like a Mac application, step by step:1. Download Apple's "Mac OS Runtime for Java SDK", from
ftp://ftp.apple.com/developer/Development_Kits/MRJ_SDK_2.2_Install.sit.bin, and install it on your machine.2. Download the latest JEmplode, from
http://download.sourceforge.net/jempeg/jempeg-0.9.14.jar, and place it in your "MRJClasses" folder. This folder is in the "MRJ Libraries" folder, which is in your Extensions folder. This places JEmplode's classes in the system classpath, so MRJ can find them without you doing anything special.3. Download the Java Foundation Classes, from
ftp://ftp.java.sun.com/pub/jfs/111lkjasdfcs/swing1_1_1-mac.bin, un-MacBinary it, and run the resulting installer. When it's done, you'll see that there are a bunch of .jar files wherever you told it to install. Copy all of those .jar files into the "MRJClasses" folder. This places classes needed for JEmplode to display its user interface into the system classpath.4. Run the "JBindery" application, which was installed as part of the MRJ SDK (you can find it with Sherlock, or just browse through the MRJ SDK directory). It will pop up a window. Into the "Class name" field of this window, type "mschrag.empeg.emplode.Main" (without the quotes). Now click the "Save Settings" button, and save it (as an application) anywhere you want. Once you've done that, all you need to do to run JEmplode is to double-click on the application you saved. It won't work with serial ports (at least, not that I've been able to see; there _is_ an implementation of javax.comm, the Java communication classes, for MRJ - it's located at
http://www.vmeng.com/beard/javax.comm.MRJ/javax.comm.MRJ.sit.hqx - but it doesn't seem to work too well), so you'll have to synchronize with Ethernet. I haven't run it extensively in MRJ (I use Mac OS X, myself), so I don't know how well it will work, but this should at least get you up and running. If you have any questions, let me know.As an added bonus, when an update to JEmplode is released, you can just delete the old jempeg-0.9.14.jar in your "MRJClasses" folder, drop in the new jempeg jar, and not have to change another thing. :)
I'm very disappointed in Empeg at not getting to work on Mac software sooner.Yes, it can be frustrating, but I understand why the Empeg guys haven't done it yet; they don't have any Mac programmers, and they've been busy enough working on things like the 1.1 software. Hopefully, with the SonicBlue acquisition, we'll see some Mac software on the horizon - all of the current Rio hardware can talk to Casady & Greene's "SoundJam MP" right now, as well as Apple's "iTunes". While the synchronization processes for these units and the Empeg have nothing in common, it's at least clear that SonicBlue wants to support Mac users - maybe they'll assign one of their programmers to the problem. :)
Also... anyone any idea how to upload tracks to my Empeg in the car from my house using an Airport?Once you get JEmplode working - and assuming the Empeg is on the wireless network while in your car - this should be as easy as synchronizing over Ethernet.
Daniel M. Zimmerman, Caltech Computer Science
Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB
Mk.1 #00101, 10GB