Actually, I don't think USB works via VirtualPC. Just serial and ethernet. That's a VirtualPC limitation, not an Empeg limitation. (If I recall correctly. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

Well, you're partially wrong. :)

People using Virtual PC with Empegs have had very mixed results with USB sync. For instance, with Emplode 1.0, my Mk2 would reliably synchronize over USB to a Virtual PC, but my Mk1 would not; with 1.0.1, they both would, and with 1.0.2, the Mk2 won't (I haven't tried the Mk1 yet). In addition, it seems to also depend on the Mac you're using - on my Mac, USB sync didn't work at all (when I last tried it), but on my apartmentmate's Mac, it worked fine. The situation may also be improved (or worsened) by Virtual PC 4, which I haven't upgraded to yet.

In my experience, serial didn't work well at all with Virtual PC (fine for upgrading, but not for synchronization - I think it had trouble with long, sustained connections); but Ethernet works beautifully, and I've had no problems with it.

But USB and Ethernet are functionally equivalent as far as Emplode is concerned, and Ethernet is actually a tad faster. And I'm glad you ordered VirtualPC because now you can apply software upgrades with the serial port.

Um... I think. Does she need some kind of physical adapter to plug the serial cable into the mac?

Yes, the ability to apply upgrades is very useful. Hopefully, we'll update JEmpeg to be able to do that at some point (especially when upgrades over Ethernet are possible :). As far as a physical adapter is concerned, she'll probably need two (if she has a newer Mac):

1. A USB -> Serial adapter, to get a serial port; alternatively, she could get a card which turns the internal modem port into a serial port, if she doesn't use the internal modem. This is needed for all post-beige-G3 Macs.

2. An 8-pin Serial -> 9-pin Serial adapter, to be able to talk to the Empeg's supplied cord. Believe it or not, buying this adapter is cheaper than just buying an 8-pin Serial -> 9-pin Serial null modem cable to talk to the Empeg; it's available as part of the Palm MacPac, among other places.

As an alternative to this beautiful 2-adapter chain, she could buy the Keyspan PDA adapter (available at many online resellers), which is a USB -> 9-pin Serial adapter meant for use with Palms and the like; it should work fine with the Empeg. And if she has a beige G3, or earlier Mac, she only needs adapter #2.

Daniel M. Zimmerman, Caltech Computer Science
Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB
Mk.1 #00101, 10GB

Daniel M. Zimmerman Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB Mk.1 #00101, 10GB