Now I can't resist staying out of the conversation; TigerJimmy sparked my memory.

There are some great overlooked used cars out there. 1997 Lincoln Mark VIII is a damn BEAST (Mustang cobra engine) with all the luxury trimmings, a modding community, and decent gas mileage. Pay no more than $7000 for a quality car. $3k for initial maintenance and extras, and your other $20k for yourself.

For more luxury (and convertible), look for a used Benz CL under $40k. The CL is the first Benz to get the newest technology, looks hot, and is exclusive (around me, anyway). Or get a CLK and keep $10k from your budget.

TigerJimmy, you are a smart man. My used W210 E320 4matic wagon has given me 10k miles quite nicely. It will learn to be responsive if you demand it. Just watch for the known problems (pm me for details).

Redrum, tanstaafl, and other wagon lovers, you're right on as well!

Music, you could be a contract automotive personal shopper with your clear thinking. Good work.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set