Aren't latency times over satellite too high to allow a VPN to be useful anyway?

That said, we'll need more information about what sort of VPN you're using and the equipment on either end.

Thanks, I have a DW7000 satellite modem, box, whatever you call it. I connect to this devise via 100 Mbps Ethernet. It then connects me to the internet and I now should have a static ID.

I’ve tried connecting to two different VPN networks…

Cicso systems VPN Client version

…and the other is…

Nortel Contivity VPN Client v04_65.09

Both work OK when I connect to a dial-up ISP.

Maybe my issue is that I now connect to the DW7000 satellite modem thing through Ethernet and then I get sent to the web???? Maybe this intermediate network step is causing VPN not to work???

The old satellite modem work at one time (before Huges did “something”) and I connected directly to that via USB.

thanks for your help