Then again, you might end up with somebody like my neighbor who had two mini-palms in his yard - only color other than dirt.

I would far rather see that than a row of twisty little houses, all alike.

Or should I have gone with the Edward Scissorhands reference?

You could also reference Weeds in some way. Or just "Little Boxes."

I understand your point of view as well, but I suppose I'm an orderly person at heart, and I'd prefer to have a standard to keep than complete disarray.

On my parents' street, a few years ago, a man and his old, Russian mother moved in across the street. Apparently his mother insisted on having Russian TV so they installed what had to be a 20' satellite dish. It looked awful in a country-style neighborhood (where the homes don't all look like white boxes, but there's still a standard).

But at the basic level, I really should have read up on the HOA guidelines before installing the blinds. It's my fault.