I understand your point of view as well, but I suppose I'm an orderly person at heart, and I'd prefer to have a standard to keep than complete disarray.

I at first misread this as "elderly person at heart".

I find these HOAs that govern free-standing homes to be pretty creepy -- turning developments into the set for the Truman Show. Actually, worse than that. Luckily, I don't have to worry about purchasing one of those oppressive million-dollar mansions.

Now, I do own a condo and, condos being a different kettle of fish (more common property) I would be surprised to find a condo without an HOA or HOA-like Coop board. For condo dwellers, I think of the HOA as a fact of life. I did not find the fact that my condo had a "blinds rule" (and some other rules) like yours too oppressive -- not enough to put me off buying the unit. What I do firmly believe having lived here for a while is that we don't have much choice but to fairly enforce whatever rules are on the HOA's books. The rules can always be changed, but when considering a condo, it probably pays to read the rules thoroughly and assume that they might never change.

I applaud your willingness to see this from all sides. I find the fact that the blind company will actually give you 50% back to be pretty good. In your shoes I would go back and take them up on it. Put this behind you. Ask 'em how much it would cost for HOA-OK replacements. Who knows. Maybe you'll get a break.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.