Originally Posted By: DWallach
YouTube for the Hell Hounds.

I had an evil idea today. If the hounds annoy you, I'll bet they also annoy their owners, particularly if they bark at night or during prime-time television. The trick is that you can choose to get the dogs attention, including late at night.

"Yeah, I just feel the need to stretch my legs at 3am. I don't really understand what's up with those dogs."

They keep the dogs inside at night. (Alaska. Cold.)

I have thought about putting their phone number on speed dial, and then when the Hell Hounds are loose, walk up to the fence, dial them and hold the phone right to the dogs' noses.

I have thought about getting a really loud ultrasonic dog whistle, and whenever the dogs are inside blowing the whistle and see if I can set them off.

I have thought about getting one of those compressed air boat horns and matching the dogs decibel for decibel.

However, it looks like I now have an agreement to sell my house, for less than 1/3 of what it would cost to buy the property and build the exact same house today. So I'll let the new owners deal with it. And yes, I did mention the Hell Hounds in the pre-sale disclosure statement.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"