I disagree. I think they're doing an excellent job at playing with the larger story while doing the regular episodic stuff. It sounds like you're upset that they haven't mentioned stuff like the ZFT and other things you mentioned, but they're still dealing with the larger picture. It's all related, we just haven't seen how yet. Heck, I'd say at least half the episodes this season have dealt with nothing but the larger picture. The frozen heads, Walter's "missing pieces," etc. If anything, I like this stuff better. I found the ZFT stuff boring, and there's only so many times you can have Olivia storm in to Massive Dynamic and Nina say they don't know anything about the thing they obviously know about

That gets super boring.
I think the show is doing just fine.
Well, except for the "special," which I saw no mention of as being a special, but then again I don't watch ads anymore, and there were no Fox shows that I watch that were airing before Fringe came back where I might have seen promos.
On a side note, Bitt, thanks for recommending Better Off Ted. I've plowed through the first season already, and it's simply hilarious. I love the nearly cartoonish reality it's set in, I love how likable they're able to make the lead (considering how annoyingly attractive and charismatic he is), I love that they cast Byron from Andy Richter Controls the Universe, and it took me a while to realize that there are only about two scenes that take place outside the company. It's a fantastic show, and you're right, it'll probably be canceled in no time, which is strange because I can't imagine it costs all that much. It seems like they must have about 4 different sets, and most of the actors I've never seen before, so they can't make all that much.
And on a final note, I was in TV heaven last night, as I was completely unaware that both Burn Notice and Supernatural were starting back up again. Supernatural had one of its weaker episodes, but that's meaningless for the show as even its worst episodes are still great.