Matt, how is the Apple way so significantly different here as far as your other options? He either buys a new Apple TV to access bought iTunes content and Netflix streams, or a Roku to access bought Amazon content and Netflix streams. Either way, he's in a "walled garden" with Amazon and their store, or Apple and their store.

Jeff, I would recommend looking into the selection on Netflix though. I passed it up in the early days myself when I dropped satellite, but I now subscribed this weekend. The streaming selection is quite good, and the service is working great off my iPad, PS3, and Mac.

I'm also going to be dropping Hulu Plus. The selection there is ok, but the commercial interruptions are just too annoying. Even before I left "traditional" TV, I had a Replay with automatic commercial skip, so commercials haven't been part of my viewing experience for a good 8 years or so now. It's hard to go back, especially when paying for a service.