That's about 60% of your waking time watching Buffy and Angel. I'm guessing you were unemployed?
And you would be correct, sir! That meant for many days where I'd watch an entire season in one day, only stopping for meals (or eating them while watching). It was basically the perfect storm of unemployed, headed back to DC (from Williamsburg, VA), and all my friends and my girlfriend were studying for their midterm exams (I'd graduated the year before and was hanging around the area). Oh, and I had no money, so going out was not an option

Good times!
As for this season, I've come to a conclusion: I'm a TV masochist. There's no other explanation for why I still watch Medium, considering the things that drive me absolutely insane about the show. Many of these Bitt and I have discussed before on the board, but not only did last night's episode have all the things that annoy me about the show (other than Lee's wife), but it had one thing that annoys me more than any other but they've only done a handful of times: the entire episode only had one piece of music in it.
No, I don't mean that there was only one moment in the show that had music, I mean that they used one snippet of a song repeatedly, about 12 times, throughout the entire show. They've done this about four times before, and it drives me insane. It's only made worse by the fact that the musical snippets they seem to choose for these are the most annoying parts of the most annoying songs. ARGH! Never before have I so wanted to grab a showrunner by the collar and shake them and ask them what the hell they were thinking!
But I still watch it...
At least we watched an actually-good show afterwards in Fringe. I hate deceptive storylines like the current "Olivia-switch" (they just bother me emotionally), but at least the show is good.