Yeah, I have very mixed feelings on The Cape. The primary problem for me is the writing. It's just so cliched and simplistic. There's no imagination. These actors have to try to deliver hackneyed lines like "One man CAN make a difference!" Seriously? You actually put that line in something in 2011? You should be ashamed of yourself.

The rest of the show is pretty much like that. Just nothing new.

Oh, and there's one thing that kept bugging the crap out of me for the entire first hour of the show: he wasn't wearing a mask. We're supposed to believe that he put all this preparation and training into this endeavor, yet he trusted that he'd be concealed enough by a hood that could have easily been pushed back while he's fighting with someone? Hell, his opponent would just have to be within a few feet to tell who he was. It just bothered me so damn much.

Worst of all is the dialog and the entire part given to Summer Glau. That saddens me as a geek.

The entire show feels like it was created by committee. NBC should just stop trying this stuff, and it worries me that nobody will try this in the future. I'd like to think that one day we'll get a good superhero show, but when turds like this and Heroes get on the air and fail miserably despite tons of marketing, it makes me think that nobody will try it...