Originally Posted By: Archeon
A normal power use for our house, which has about 320mē of usable space, is about 1000 KWh/month.
Hmmm.. that makes me feel better about my electrical usage.

My most recent electric bill (see attached) showed me using 559 KWH.

Now, there are a few things to take into consideration.

First of all, the bill is bi-monthly. It shows consumption from October 10 through December 10, 2010, at an average consumption of 9.47 KWH per day.

Second, my house is smaller than yours (about 160 M^2 [OK, Archeon, how did you get that superscript in your post? smile ] including the downstairs neighbor, but that really isn't much of a factor because my climate is so temperate that I literally have no way of heating or cooling my house. Nor do I need any. House size does not affect my consumption.

Third, there are only two sources of significant power consumption: my refrigerator, and my computer. I calculate that my refrigerator is consuming 70% of all the electricity I use. (My stove and my hot water heater are gas-fired.)

Fourth, there are only three of us living here, and SWMBO probably spends more time away from the house than in it, other than to sleep. And even when we're at home, it is literally a glass house (outside walls are glass floor to ceiling!) and so much light pours in that artificial lighting just isn't required. In the 14 months we've been here I have yet to replace a light bulb.

Fifth, my rate per KWH is so high (with taxes and monthly connection fee, around $.30 USD per KWH) that I pay pretty close attention to my usage. It is frightening to see an electric bill for $2094.20 before realizing that it is in pesos, not dollars, and that it is really $167 USD and that it is for TWO months, and that my downstairs neighbor pays a third of it. But still, $57 per month for pretty minimal usage stings a little bit.

Sixth, my March-April bill from 2010 was an anomaly. I can only think of two possibilities. It is not impossible (I have heard rumors...) that CFE "phreaked" the meter, adding an additional 500 KWH to it (and no, I don't mean "mis-read" the meter, that would have corrected itself on the following bill!), or somehow the construction site next door tapped into my power.

But, if you are operating at less than one third of the average consumption for your area, and I am operating at one quarter of what you are using (albeit smaller house, fewer people, more temperate climate, etc.) I guess I'm doing OK.


CFE Bill.jpg (127 downloads)

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