It is. Here electric power is generally extremely expensive. This happened since nuclear plants were dismissed in the entire contry and we started to buy electricity from nuclear plants in France, just cross the border.
Our "smart" elected leaders have done the same here. Even though we still have a couple of nuclear plants, most of our electricity is also produced in France. They told us this would save us money. Of course the opposite turned out to be true (how strange...).
Same as with Bruno, over here the kWh rate is not the only thing that's taken into account when a bill is created. There's also the delivery costs, network usage costs, taxes, and a few other factors which I don't know by heart. Either way, it's expensive.

Luckily we do have the day/night-time tariff which means the electricity is about 2.5 times as costly between 7 AM and 10 PM. Between 10 PM and 7 AM and in weekends, the lower rate applies.