Well, I don't think the Booklet Printer works as advertised, or maybe it does and I don't understand it. In any case, I have found workarounds to make it do what I want.
The key to everything is the fact that I can specify different paper sizes in the creation software (in this case, Excel) and in the PCL6 printer driver. That is, I can create and format the Excel file in letter-size portrait mode, then go to the PCL6 driver and tell it to print it on legal size with the paper oriented in landscape mode but the text on each side of the booklet page in portrait.
The next trick is to use Excel to tweak the column widths, the row heights, and most especially the "Adjust to ##% normal size" setting to maximize the area that Excel covers on the letter-size portrait page. If I do that, and print it booklet on legal paper, apparently the aspect ratios work out right to give me the results I want when the booklet printer re-sizes it for the landscape legal paper. And legal-size, folded in half, makes a nicer booklet size than letter-size in any case.
Attached are scans of the front and back of pages 1-4 of a 76 page booklet. Remember how it folds in half (I added the dotted fold lines for clarity) so the cover page is page 1. I think it is interesting that the booklet printer keeps track of the sequence, i.e., page 2 is paired with page 75, etc, especially when printing duplex.
ps:You should see the formulas that generate the conjugations. Sample:
Imperfect 1st person plural =IF(RIGHT(C3,2)="ar", LEFT(C3,LEN(C3)-2)&"ábamos",IF(RIGHT(C3,2)="er", LEFT(C3,LEN(C3)-2)&"íamos",IF(RIGHT(C3,2)="ir", LEFT(C3,LEN(C3)-2)&"íamos","~")))
There are 11,700 distinct conjugations in the spreadsheet. All the "regular" conjugations (printed in black) are formulas. I had to research and type the "irregulars" (printed in red) one at a time.

Edited by tanstaafl. (15/10/2011 15:16)
Edit Reason: Show off my formulas
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