Originally Posted By: Roger
Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
...when baby 3 comes in May, we'll have the same result...

I'm (truly) glad for you, but the truth is that it's not all kittens and sunshine, and perpetuating that myth just makes parents that are having problems (with sleep, with feeding, with whatever) think that they're the only ones. This is a bad thing.

We had this with ours; the first had reflux and sleep was really never for more than 3 hours at a time. After she went on medication (just until about a year) she was much better but still not all the way through by any means. We did cry it to sleep and that worked, though was kinda nerve-wracking.

The second was just the easiest baby in the world. We are *so* glad they came that way round; if it'd been the easy one first then the troublesome one, we'd have found it a lot harder to deal with.

Summary: every baby appears to be different. Some are easier than others. You do not know what type you'll get until you have it. Some people only have easy ones, some people only hard ones. They all grow out of it, though.