I don't see the net gain in this discussion. I used to argue with my buddy's father in law about this kind of stuff, but gave it up. It only generated more heat.
Sigh. I mostly think you're right. The idea that the human being is a sovereign individual and we have rights above any government is considered passé, naive and idealistic. But it happens to be based in principles of universal morality, non-coersion and justice. I often ask why I bother. I really, really do.
Your heroic, interlocking principles are unassailable. You have a single solution to save us, the fusion nut. Who needs a Plan B?
I don't think I've been saying that. I just believe that we (humanity) will use fossil fuels until they're gone, because the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for the overwhelming portion of the planet. Fusion would "solve" things, sure, but probably so would other things, and nobody knows if fusion energy will ever be practical.
I'm not really advocating a particular solution, just an honest acknowledgement of the problem, which as I see it is: we're going to use these fuels until they're gone, and socialist planning under the guise of environmentalism will not change that.
So why debate, why discuss, when you know you'll prevail on our behalf?
Because a system based on principles and universal morality is important. The ideas matter.
Sigh, I have to agree with Doug. I don't think we're going to make it. But why worry? I think I'll just kick back and pop my copy of the _Omega Man_ in the VCR.
Humans are extraordinarily adaptable. They'll make it, although probably in a different kind of world than we have now, or we had 200 years ago. But what is at serious risk is the experiment in liberty. Actually, that's dead, too, but it's a good idea and it's worth defending. It's easy to despair, but occasionally I'm inspired by others who seem to have an unending optimism for the cause of freedom.
But yeah, I take long periods off of this because it seems so fruitless. I'm about to take another one.