I'll make some comments purely as a consumer. Since the introduction of the Mac App Store, I am extremely reluctant to buy Mac software any other way. This is mostly because I've been burned over the years by developers that upgrade their software to a point they they want more money. Often times, the old version is fine, but they won't provide it for download anymore. And, more than once, I went to buy the updated version at a discount by providing my old license key, and the key isn't recognized buy their checkout system. It's extremely frustrating.

Mac App Store prevents this, and if things follow the iOS App Store customs, updates won't ask me to cough up more money. I also like that applications purchased in the Mac App Store are licensed for use on all my Macs. Not having to keep track of license keys is another bonus.

As for 10.8, I'm not so hot for it since I think Lion is still more finicky than Snow Leopard. Am I the only one that can't drag an item from the dock's Downloads stack straight to the trash bin on the dock? This used to work in 10.7, but now it doesn't. It certainly works in 10.6. There are other annoyances that I can't think of at the moment, but they're enough for me to keep 10.6 on my Mac Mini.

iOSification of Mac OS is mostly a mistake in my eyes. The Launchpad in 10.7 is completely worthless. The newest version of Airport Utility is also worthless to the point I can't believe it's not an april fools joke. Thankfully, you can still get Airport Utility 5.6 which has the old/useful UI, but how long will that last?

I think Mission Control is superior to Exposé, but I don't really see that as taking inspiration from iOS aside from the greater usefulness of multitouch trackpads. As for other multitouch gestures, I immediately turn off about half of them. This includes the "natural" scroll direction.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736