Originally Posted By: Shonky
The VPN *is* connecting through the network. The problem is the VPN software is effectively firewalling everything but the VPN endpoint to the rest of the system.

Originally Posted By: Shonky

I assume you can't even ping the printer's IP?

Originally Posted By: Shonky

I had a similar issue (on Windows) with a Nortel VPN client. My solution was a USB cable from the docking station to the printer (as Glenn suggested). Fortunately our new VPN software doesn't have this limitation (although I do have to kill the firewall to access my NAS).

I'll have my wife contact her IT department and see what they say, though there's a big chance they'll brush her off with the big 'ol "sorry, macs are not supported" knockdown answer (which would be totally braindead since this clearly is not a mac problem, but I'm sure they'll try anyway).

We'll see, I'll keep you guys informed.
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