Originally Posted By: Dignan
Wow, I'm a little surprised by the negative reactions here.
Originally Posted By: canuckInOR
Originally Posted By: tfabris
An imp could, for example, text me when the dryer cycle was done so that I could run upstairs and pull out my dress shirts before they got wrinkled (I'm usually out of earshot of the buzzer).

Really? A text message? *shrug*

My dryer (that I bought >5 years ago) has a little display with a count-down timer. I can set an alarm on my phone from the display on the dryer, if I don't want to miss the end of the cycle. No imp necessary, no text message necessary, no cloud necessary, no subscription fee necessary. (And if I *do* miss the end of the cycle, then I can just use that "touch-up" feature.)

This seems like an odd argument: we shouldn't make something a little easier because I have a make-shift solution that works in my situation because my device works a certain way that others don't.

No -- I'm saying that it's such a trivial problem to overcome with current, existing features that, as a manufacturer, I don't think there's any business value in spending R&D time or money for it. Do I think there's a segment of the market that would want this feature? Certainly. Is there a segment of that segment, for whom this would be a make-or-break feature in a purchase decision? I suppose. Is that segment big enough for me to want to chase? Not likely.

But here's the other thing -- I generally know how long my dryer cycle takes, anyway (well, I used to, before I got married, and my wife took over the laundry duties), so even without the timer, I knew when to go hang up my clothes.