This came to my email box this afternoon. If anyone has computer (surface or solid) models of the buttons I could get a quote. The upside is that there's no molds (it's essentially 3-D printing) but the piece part cost can be high. The material ought to be sufficient, although I don't know how good the color dyes are. Accuracy is about +/- 0.003" with some slight stair-stepping which is usually fixed with a light bead blasting.

I assume that empeg/Rio have the files, but I don't know if they'd be willing to share...

I've also attached a picture of some sample parts that was along with this email.


SciTech Solutions
The Newsletter of SciTech Plastics Group

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Brookfield Rapid Solutions offers
Somos 10120 WaterClear Resin

Brookfield Rapid Solutions, now part of SciTech Plastics Group, is pleased to announce the availability of a new stereolithography material, DSM Somos WaterClear 10120, in the SLA-7000.

Somos WaterClearä 10120 is a composite of many desirable engineering properties, mimicking the flexural strength and modulus of optically clear polycarbonate, the notched Izod impact strength of Nylon 66 and the tensile strength of transparent ABS.

As indicated by the name, parts created from Somos 10120 can become transparent with special post-processing procedures and achieve a refractive index of 1.51 compared to a refractive index of 1.52 with transparent ABS. The transparent clarity is especially useful for fluid flow analysis, to visualize internal mechanisms and to mimic the appearance of parts that will later be manufactured from glass or clear plastic.

Tinted plastic parts can also be simulated with Somos 10120 resin by dying the parts.

Somos 10120 is also a good general-purpose resin. It is a rigid material with tough enough properties that allow for drilling, milling and tapping directly into the stereolithography part. Overall, Somos 10120 is an excellent addition to the other materials offered by Brookfield Rapid Solutions that include Somos 7120, Somos 8120, and Somos 9120. To identify which resin is best for you contact Brookfield Rapid Solutions at (603)577-9970, or select the attached link for material properties.

Somos Properties

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