Originally Posted By: mlord
This is audio. Even USB 1.1 (12mbit/sec) could handle it, speedwise. So USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (480mbit/sec) won't have that issue.

Generally that's true. However with the particular audio interface I'm talking about, it's ten channels of audio, at 24-bit resolution uncompressed at 44.1kh (with an option to go to 96khz if I want).

Nesting drivers though, particularly on MS operating systems, is an entirely different kettle.

Yep. That's among my worries. Well, it was inexpensive to try it out, we shall see on Tuesday when the adapters arrive. At least both adapters are from the same manufacturer, so that's giving it the best chance for the drivers to play nice with each other (though that's no guarantee).

You could invest in USB audio contraptions rather than Firewire, but that obviously leaves behind all the money you spent on your Firewire gear.

That's certainly on my radar, but in addition to the money, I really like the gear I've got, and I'm settled on a particular configuration that's working well for the way I have my studio laid out. But yeah, Firewire is dying out and it wouldn't hurt for me to invest in some gear that's going to last into the future. It's a consideration.

You might like the Sony Tap 21, the Dell XPS 18, or the Asus P1801 (and there's probably more where they came from).

The Sony Tap 21 is out of the picture, since the Tap 20 was already too big. No way I could travel with it, no way we could have it be on stage with us.

I'm going to look again at the 18" units. I seem to remember looking at the Dell 18" unit around the time I was looking at the Sony 20, and I seem to recall it was still too big, but I'll look again. Also: Though the Dell website is making it hard for me to find this out at the moment, I'm pretty sure the 18" Dell will also have the same problem with No Firewire Port.

The other 18" unit, the Asus, I remember looking at a while ago. Assuming it's the same one that I'm thinking of, it isn't a computer, it's an android tablet that acts as a monitor when plugged in, and a Windows Remote Desktop client when portable (requiring that I be on the Wifi with its base station to work). That design is not useful to me for my purposes, and is out of the picture.

I know this seems weird that I'm saying "it's got to be big enough" and then suddenly saying "it's too big" once they're big enough, but the problem is that goddamn 16:9 aspect ratio that's killing me. The 16:9 ratio is what makes this such a difficult sweet spot to hit. I've already proved that a 15" tablet in the 4:3 ratio is perfect. It's looking like 15.5" or slightly larger, but not TOO much larger, will be needed if I want to do it at the 16:9 ratio.

Wouldn't Thunderbolt be the way to go for this? Apple make a Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter

Getting an Apple computer for my recording studio is definitely on my radar. It would solve a lot of problems. But Apple does not make a convertible tablet like that Sony Flip 15. I would not be able to *also* use the Apple as the onstage songbook.
Tony Fabris