Yeah, it's pretty weird! I think they were going with the idea that an 18-inch tablet computer was useless if it were heavy enough to be a full Windows PC. Dell's 18-inch unit and the Sony Tap20 and Tap21 are going the other route, banking on some people's need for an actual PC to take with them.

The thread I started here on the BBS about the music tablet a while back has made a few folks email me privately, folks who were not members of the BBS but who stumbled upon my thread via googling. One of them was keen on that Asus 18-inch unit, and despite my warning them that it wasn't actually a Windows PC, they ended up getting it anyway, and they like it. They ended up using a PDF reader application on Android to get their job done (like you suggested), since ForScore is only available on IOS.

While a PDF reader app would fullfill the minimum of showing me things on the screen, it wouldn't have all the features I really need for such a task. I'd want either a dedicated music reader program, or, have it just be Windows PC so that I can run my own software that I've already written and that works so well on the Toshiba tablet I've already got. That's why I want to try that Sony Flip 15 so much.

Theoretically, I'll get the FireWire daisy chain adapters tonight, and be able to test them and see if that Sony would work for me for all my purposes.

In addition to the basic functionality of the driver concerns, Tom brought up a good point that daisy-chaining adapters like that might introduce unwanted amounts of *latency*, something that's always a consideration for audio recording. It can be compensated for, but doing so is a bit of a pain. I'm curious to see how it goes. Wish me luck!
Tony Fabris