Good luck with that. It looks like it should be the simplest "drop in" replacement method.

Meanwhile, I'm also trying a different approach.

A while back I purchased a bunch of CAD$30 SATA SSDs, 120GB HP M700s.
These are plenty cheap enough to experiment with, so I opened one up
and as expected found a very small SSD circuit board inside.
Barely larger than a CF Card, except much faster and cheaper!

The HP drive isn't widely available, but Kingston markets a very similar $25 SSD,
as do other brands now.

So.. combine that with an IDE-to-SATA-drive adapter, and we could have a very nifty empeg drive replacement.
But.. gotta try it, and find a suitable IDE-to-SATA adapter. Eg. Perhaps one of these:

I have something similar to that on hand, so we'll see how that goes..

EDIT: Well, the empeg itself sees the drive, no problem.
But "pump" doesn't seem to see it. This is different than the earlier issue.

So now I'm manually copying my CF card onto the SSD (straight binary 32GB copy),
and we'll see what happens with it after that.

Edited by mlord (15/05/2019 13:30)