Originally Posted By: Raymond Day
I spent about a hole day installing this on Ubuntu Linux server. I all ready have Slimserver running on it.

I had to stop the DHCP server on my router then my RIO got a IP after I got DHCP working on Ubuntu.

I wanted to try and make it easy for some one else. It took me all day and made a list of commands I did. I will put them in here. But others will have to change the IP's and MAC addrss's. Just edit the code before you copy and paste each line in the command prompt of you Ubuntu server. I was logged in as root when I did this.

apt-get install dhcp3-server

rv /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf~ /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

rm /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

echo "authoritative;
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers,;
option routers;
option static-routes;
option broadcast-address;
host HP-Photo-smart-2610-printer {
	hardware ethernet 00:0d:9d:12:52:43;
host RIO {
	hardware ethernet 00:90:00:11:47:fc;
	}" >> /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

cd /

mkdir tftpboot

cd tftpboot



wget http://empeg.org.uk/slimrio/ssdp.c

wget http://empeg.org.uk/slimrio/download/slimrio-0.7-root.tar.gz

tar -xzf slimrio-0.7-root.tar.gz

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common

echo "tftpboot/ *(ro,sync,subtree_check,insecure,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports

exportfs -a

echo "while true; do /bin/slimrio -s; done" >> tftpboot/

It be nice if some one could put this in a script and have it ask for the numbers. Then all you have to do is run it and turn on your RIO.

I had to set the "reduce the audio bit rate (Player settings - Audio - Bitrate limiting). You'll need to have the LAME encoder installed first." to 128. Now it don't studder the music. I guess some of the RIO code should be made in fast assembly code so it can do faster bitrates.

I all ready had a LAME encoder installed. If you don't I guess all you have to do is this command:

apt-get install liblame0

It's super to have the RIO display look like the slimp3 player. To bad the display is not wide like the slimp3.

I am happy got this working. My RIO was just stitting there for years.

Just to update Raymond's instructions, revive an ancient thread (and to maybe provide an answer to his 2021 post over here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2456483).

I have Rios running with Centos8 (soon to be Rocky) and had problems getting even to the "penguins found" screen in the boot process. Fired up Wireshark and had an error of NFS2ERR_OPNOTSUPP when trying to load zImage.

I found you must enable NFS v2 and UDP for NFS is required -- the info here is key: https://pub.nethence.com/booting/pxe.netbsd

Turns out I had to change to no_subtree_check and modify the last line of /tftpboot/RIOADDRESS/sbin/init to say "while true; do /bin/slimrio -s SLIMADDRESS; done" where the RIOADDRESS is the IP of the receiver and SLIMADDRESS is the IP of the LMS / SlimServer.

My exportfs is now:

/tftpboot/x.x.x.x *(ro,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,no_root_squash)

Hope this can help the very few wanting to keep these going. I plan to use them in the garage, etc.

Edited by admin69 (26/05/2022 08:44)