I thought I'd say how great it is to hear this kind of feedback. I mean, if you hated the product we'd want to hear that too, but it's nice to hear that people are appreciating what we're doing at empeg.

Today we gave our first ever refund - it's not that we've ever refused them before, we've just never been asked to give one! I shipped the player back in, tested it, and it works perfectly. The client swears that the audio output is screwed, that he's blown a lot of money on installation, and that - essentially - the product is crap. I know for a fact that the fault was with the installation - the symptoms he describes can be exactly duplicated if the grounding leads are not fitted.

It's a bit depressing to know that someone is unhappy with our service and is probably bad mouthing empeg to his friends and colleagues, even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with the product. I don't blame the client, I blame the so called professional installers, who got to charge him for two failed installations attempts and then finally sold him a CD system and made their margin on that as well. I guess they decided it wasn't worth the effort to read the installation notes - they made a lot more money this way!

Anyway, it's depressing when something like that happens but reading stuff like this on the BBS more than makes up for it.

I think it would be cool to start a list of installation companies that have done a GOOD job installing empegs. This would be useful when clients ask for reccommendations in their area.

For now, though, I'm going to bed :-)
