Hmm. Just an idea.... Would it be hard to get information from retail mapping software? I didn't want to say M$ streets and Trips but i have the licensing info here so I thought I'd just mention it. Anyways, licensing is really cheap if bought in volume. Im sure there are other mapping software out the that has better maps and M$ usually over charges so this could even be cheap... but I dont know if you can read from those map or not.... the m$ maps do have a feature to export to a win-ce or palm device.. so even those maps could be used. Here is the m$ info:

Microsoft Open License Pack (MOLP)
Microsoft® Streets & Trips 2002 Win32 English OPEN Level C OLP C

Version: 2002
Part Number: B17-00036
Environment: 32-Bit Win
Media: Non-specific
Pool: Applications
Level/Unit: Level C/1
Estimated Price: $28.00
