Well, I, personally, would pay a bit extra for a stylish faceplate. Like Tony, I see nothing wrong with the existing look -- its simplicity is something I find elegant. I definately DO NOT want funky colours -- I'd prefer to adhere to the simplicity model that Empeg has defined so well, thus far.

The only faceplate issue that bugs me on the MK1 is its visibility in direct sunlight; the glare off it is intense enough that my passenger cannot see the visuals and I cannot see the display easily when I'm working with the unit. By and large this is due to how much plexiglass (or whatever it is) the light diffuses through. If the plexiglass existed only where it needed to, it'd be much less of a problem, but as it is now the plexiglass covers much more than just the display -- which is more plexi surface area that captures and diffuses light through the rest of itself.

-- Bleys

"If you would judge, understand." -- Seneca
"If you would judge, understand." -- Seneca