In reply to:

I have a similar issue with one of my siblings - chipped his TVR Chimeira 4.5
and did a serious bit of outlet manifold insulating. Now when he comes round for
a chinese he is insistent that I don't get the food in before he gets here. We
go down to the restaurant via the roundabouts!!!

As someone who is (a) an American, and (b) extremely tired, that sentence had
multiple points in it where the cognitize dissonance caused me to start over and
Perhaps this is the simplest sentence which has caused me to back up and re-read
it 3 or 4 times.

Varied images: issues with your siblings, chipped paint, chimeras on TV VCRs,
picking up a Chinese person on a motorcycle, dangling a forkful of food
just outside your mouth.

Uh, maybe it's just me. I need a nap.

Or maybe... maybe... I just need to buy a Coke at that little convenience store
just 100 miles from here.