The streak has ended. After over five years without a problem, I loaded the empeg into my car today and there was Tux with a friendly message of "No hard disk found. Contact support."


It's been a little frustrating for me lately in regards to my car stereo. First the left channel kept crapping out on me, and somehow Rob fixed that. Then recently I went a couple weeks without being able to turn the volume up past -32dB or else it would get all distorted. My installer took a look at it, found the fuse in the system was faulty, replaced that and I had a whole day of no-problem music listening. Then this.

Please help! I've never so much as opened my empeg up, and the thought of it scares me. This is my only child and I don't want to lose it! Does it sound like the hard drive cable has come loose? Did the hard disk simply fail? Is it something else? I'm going to try to open it up, but I can't seem to find a proper size hex tool around here. I'll keep looking.

I had taken it out of the car this morning to load some new CDs on it. When I went to synchronize, it was taking a really long time on the "checking disk integrity" part, so I left it to go get breakfast. I came back about an hour later and the player was turned off and emplode was just sitting there, so I assumed it has completed successfully.


Thanks for any help you guys can give me.