As you may know, my wife and I have serious problems with religion: She is Macintosh, I am PC.

She recently upgraded from her dying 17" iMac to a very nice looking 24" iMac. There was a 20" iMac in between but that's another story.

About all she wants from her old iMac is the photographs. I can use Finder on her hard drive to list all 7,703 *.jpg files. I thought I could then drag that list onto a flash drive to copy them, but there is apparently some Steve Jobs mystery involved about why I'm not smart enough to do so.

What's the easiest (not necessarily the fastest or the best, but the easiest way to move every *.jpg file on her hard drive onto the flash drive, whereupon I can put them into a "temporary" [yeah, right!] directory on her new computer where they will be completely ignored forever or until I have to move them to some future Macintosh machine.

You know my mantra: "It's different from what I'm used to, so it can't be..." (I think that's related to something about old dogs and new tricks.)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"